Scott Institute for Energy Innovation

2017 Electrochemical Energy Symposium

November 2-3, 2017

1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET

Marquis Conference Room, Scott Hall 5201

This 1.5-day symposium aims at educating on fundamental aspects of electrochemical energy storage and conversion and will have a series of tutorial talks and technical talks from professors, students and postdoctoral researchers. The symposium, which is sponsored by the Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation and Carnegie Mellon's Energy Science, Technology and Policy Program, brings together researchers in energy storage and conversion. Register at:


Thursday, Nov. 2:

1:00 - 4:30 PM | Electrode-Electrolyte Interfaces

5:30 - 8:00 PM | Poster Session

Friday, Nov. 3:

9:00AM - 12:05 PM | Computational Materials Discovery

12:05 - 1:00 PM | Lunch

1:00 - 4:00 pm | Battery Technologies

Questions or comments? Email


Scott Hall is located on the east side of Carnegie Mellon's Pittsburgh campus between Hamerschlag Hall and the FMS building, and adjacent to the east wall of Wean Hall. Scott Hall is accessible from entrances in Wean Hall, on Hamerschlag Plaza, and on Hamerschlag Drive.

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